After closing its doors for too many months, non-essential retail made its big return in April. Despite consumer confidence remaining cautious, we saw queues and excitement that resulted in an 87.7% increase in footfall, with a further boost expected when indoor hospitality makes its return in May.
The real question is whether retail will ever be the same again? As we’ve been forced to buy online for the last 14 months, have our habits changed for good? We’ve gathered the opinions and thoughts from a handful of retail experts and retailers alike to find out what’s next for retail in our latest whitepaper.
You can download the whitepaper here.
Tim Harrison, Co-founder of WatchPilot “Many of our competitors have a physical store presence which, from both a customer and brand perspective, adds trust and integrity to a business; a physical presence will hopefully allow us to expand the range we offer, making a bricks-and-mortar footprint crucial for us as we continue to grow.”
Alex Broxson, Chief Marketing Officer, Retail Assist “I believe that a key take away from the pandemic for retail has to be around the ability to pivot your offer rapidly. Whether that’s because you need to respond to any future lockdowns, pandemics, or simply that a key social influencer has posted about your item online, and you need to optimise that product rapidly and get it seen in as many marketplaces as possible. You need to be able to have solutions in place that allow you to respond or even predict future trends.”
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